from string import digits
chosen = "xxxx"
f_bulls = []
my_dict = {}
for i in digits:
def make_chosen(chosen,obj=None):
if type(obj) != int:
return ''.join(list(map(lambda x: "x" if x[0] not in obj else x[1], enumerate(chosen))))
return ''.join(list(map(lambda x: "x" if x[0] == obj else x[1], enumerate(chosen))))
def int_input():
return list(map(lambda a: int(a), input().split(" ")))
def guess(chosen: str, old=None,my_digits = digits[5:] + digits[:5]):
for i in my_digits:
if chosen.count("x") == 0: break
place = chosen.index("x") if place not in my_dict[i]["excepect"] and i != old and i not in chosen:
chosen = chosen.replace("x",i,1)
if chosen.count("x") > 0:
chosen = chosen.replace("x",chosen[f_bulls[0]])
return chosen
def sure_bull(b1, chosen, f_bull: list):
copy = chosen
bulls = f_bull
i = 0
while i < 4:
if i in f_bulls:
i += 1
chosen = make_chosen(chosen,i)
chosen = guess(chosen , copy[i])
[b,_] = int_input()
if b == 4:
return "Out",[0,1,2,3]
if b < b1:
i += 1
chosen = copy
return chosen,bulls
b_old, c_old = 0, 0
while b_old != 4:
chosen = guess(chosen)
[b_new, c_new] = int_input()
if b_new == 4: break
if b_new == 0 or b_new <= b_old:
for i,val in enumerate(chosen):
if i not in f_bulls:
if b_new > b_old:
chosen,bulls = sure_bull(b_new, chosen, f_bulls)
if chosen == "Out": break
f_bulls = list(set(f_bulls))
chosen = make_chosen(chosen,f_bulls)
b_old, c_old = b_new, c_new
chosen = make_chosen(chosen,f_bulls)
987A - Infinity Gauntlet | 1676G - White-Black Balanced Subtrees |
1716D - Chip Move | 1352F - Binary String Reconstruction |
1487B - Cat Cycle | 1679C - Rooks Defenders |
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35A - Shell Game | 1684A - Digit Minimization |
43B - Letter | 1017A - The Rank |
1698B - Rising Sand | 235A - LCM Challenge |
1075B - Taxi drivers and Lyft | 1562A - The Miracle and the Sleeper |
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1401D - Maximum Distributed Tree | 1716C - Robot in a Hallway |
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622B - The Time | 1688C - Manipulating History |
1169D - Good Triple | 1675B - Make It Increasing |
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